Empowering Growth Through Partnership - A Decade Long Relationship with DLL

Industry:Commercial Finance

In a recent interview, Dan Hammack, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Co-Founder of DHE Computer Systems, delved into the company's transformative journey and the integral role DLL has played in their evolution. With a wealth of experience dating back to 1989, Dan's leadership has steered DHE into becoming a formidable player in the IT landscape of Colorado and Arizona.

Pioneering Technology Solutions Since 1989

Since its inception in 1989, DHE has been ensuring that individuals have an easy and straightforward experience acquiring the technology they need. Their diverse range of offerings includes notebooks, tablets, desktops, workstations, Chromebooks, visuals, classroom technology software, and more. In addition to these products, DHE's dedicated datacenter team specializes in designing and procuring servers, cloud and on-premises storage solutions, networking, and all infrastructure requirements.

The enduring appeal for customers over the past 33 years lies in DHE's commitment to exceptional service and the value they consistently deliver. With a presence in Colorado and Arizona, DHE extends its services across the entire USA. Customers choose DHE for a seamless and comprehensive technology procurement experience tailored to their needs.

The Dynamic Evolution of Partnership

Over the years, the partnership between DHE and DLL has matured into a dynamic collaboration. DLL's responsiveness and commitment to understanding DHE's aspirations empowered them to pursue opportunities that would have been deemed ambitious otherwise. Dan emphasized how this collaborative spirit allowed them to secure deals that initially seemed out of reach.

Recalling the early stages of DHE when the company was young and faced significant challenges, Dan Hammock emphasized the struggle to secure credit. DLL played a pivotal role during this formative period, extending a $250,000 line of credit over a decade ago. This initial financial boost was particularly impactful for the young company, allowing DHE to clinch their first major deal and set the stage for remarkable growth.

We didn't have a proven track record of being a super profitable company. We had good profitability internally, a good balance sheet, but we were just kind of learning the process. They [DLL] enabled us and gave us the tools to be successful."

Embracing Family-Owned Values for Success

DHE, being a family-owned business, in which both Dan’s wife and two children also work, prides itself on a unique culture that combines the intimacy of a close-knit group with the robustness of a larger company. Dan conveyed how every member of the organization shares a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction, fostering an environment where goals are clear, and success is a collective effort.

"We all know where we're going with this company, and we all know if we work together as a family unit or a complete unit as a company that we're going to be successful.”

Navigating Through Industry Trends and Challenges

Reflecting on the past 12 years, Dan acknowledged the industry's transformative journey, punctuated by significant events like the global pandemic. DLL's support during such challenging times proved instrumental for DHE. The partnership ensured the availability of critical resources, such as devices for remote learning, supporting educational institutions during unprecedented disruptions.

DLL's financial solutions provided more than just monetary support. Extended terms with key vendors like Lenovo empowered DHE to maintain just-in-time inventory, proving invaluable during uncertain periods. Dan attributed much of DHE's confidence to pursue opportunities without traditional credit limitations to DLL's flexible financial backing.

“It allows us to be nimble. It's allowed us to obviously invest in our solutions and have them ready to roll. Technology's ever changing, things are moving faster.”

Adopting New Technologies and Paving the Way Forward

Beyond financial support, DLL's financing programs enabled DHE to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. From Virtual Reality to STEM Labs, DHE's commitment to innovation is seamlessly supported by DLL. Looking forward, Dan envisions growth in Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, underscoring DLL's continuing role in driving these advancements.

Envisioning the Future of Partnership

As DHE sets ambitious growth targets for the next decade, DLL remains their preferred source for financing. Dan expressed confidence in the ongoing success of their collaboration, emphasizing DLL's role as an indispensable partner in their journey.

DLL has remained steadfast and that is huge -and that's why we stayed with DLL for 12 years.”"

In a candid comparison, Dan asserted that DLL stands out among financial partners. DLL's flexibility with credit lines and steadfast support during market fluctuations set them apart. Their sophisticated reporting and compliance processes add significant value to DHE's operations, providing a level of transparency that enhances decision-making.

Dan extended a heartfelt recommendation to potential partners considering DLL. He encouraged businesses to give DLL a chance, citing their sincerity, facilitation of growth, and trustworthiness in delivering results. The partnership between DHE Computer Systems and DLL transcends the transactional, embodying a collaborative journey marked by growth, adaptability, and shared success.

For more information about DLL's inventory finance offerings, please visit our Commercial Finance webpage.

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